Signs of mental illness
Some general symptoms of mental illness include the following:
- Changes in school performance despite strong efforts
- Inability to cope with daily activities and problems
- Changes in sleep and/or eating habits
- Persistent disobedience or agressive behavior
- Persistent negative mood
- Defying authority
- Frequent temper tantrums
- Hyperactivity or fidgeting
- Depression or sadness
Did you know?
- 4,000,000 children and adolescents suffer from a serious mental disorder
- Suicide is the third cause of death in youth ages 15 through 24. More youth die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease and AIDS to name a few.
- Approximately 50% of students age 14 and older who are living with a mental illness drop out of high school.
- Youth with unidentified and untreated mental health disorders also tragically end up in jails and prisons. An alarming 65% of males and 75% females in juvenile detention have at least one mental illness.